<img decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-1761 " src="https://21452509.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/21452509/Imported_Blog_Media/rodion-kutsaiev-LI61nid_juE-unsplash-1024x878-Mar-13-2025-05-48-31-2172-AM.jpg" alt="" width="497" height="426" srcset="https://21452509.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/21452509/Imported_Blog_Media/rodion-kutsaiev-LI61nid_juE-unsplash-1024x878-Mar-13-2025-05-48-31-2172-AM.jpg 1024w, https://21452509.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/21452509/Imported_Blog_Media/rodion-kutsaiev-LI61nid_juE-unsplash-300x257-Mar-13-2025-05-48-28-9176-AM.jpg 300w, https://21452509.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/21452509/Imported_Blog_Media/rodion-kutsaiev-LI61nid_juE-unsplash-768x658-Mar-13-2025-05-48-08-4730-AM.jpg 768w, https://21452509.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/21452509/Imported_Blog_Media/rodion-kutsaiev-LI61nid_juE-unsplash-1536x1317-Mar-13-2025-05-48-25-2248-AM.jpg 1536w, https://21452509.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/21452509/Imported_Blog_Media/rodion-kutsaiev-LI61nid_juE-unsplash-2048x1755-Mar-13-2025-05-48-39-9863-AM.jpg 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 497px) 100vw, 497px">
October isn’t just about being one month closer to Christmas and enjoying the spring weather. It’s also Cyber Security Awareness Month! This an important month to focus on learning and educating others on the importance of being cyber aware and safe.
In this blog post, we delve into why this month is crucial for every Australian business and how being cyber-wise can make a world of difference.
Understanding the significance of Cyber Security Awareness Month
Cyber Security Awareness Month, observed annually in October, is about spreading the word about digital safety. It’s a wake-up call for individuals and organisations to take cyber threats and security seriously. With technology advancing so quickly and the sophistication of cyber attacks increasing,
cybercriminals are finding new ways to breach our defences.
Empowering Australians and Australian Businesses
Australians are no strangers to cyber threats. We’ve all seen the headlines over the last year – “Woolworth announces data breach” and “Optus data breach: who is affected, what has been taken, and what should you do?”
We’ve all watched as some of Australia’s biggest companies, including Telstra, NAB & Medibank, fell victim to malicious cyber attacks because they are lucrative targets with security weaknesses.
Cyber Security Awareness Month is a call to arms, urging Australians to prioritise their cyber security by improving their knowledge and taking the appropriate action to protect their information. Especially with this year’s theme, “Be cyber wise- don’t compromise”.
Becoming Cyber Wise
Being cyber wise isn’t just reserved for IT experts like us. It’s for everyone! Employees and executives – even your grandma, who doesn’t really know how to use her new iPhone. Knowledge is power, and knowledge has the power to protect your data from malicious cyber threats.
For our top cyber security tips, check out our other blogs, namely, “RIGA’s Top 5 Tips to Protect Yourself Online” & “RIGA’s Top Tips on How to Remain Cyber Safe While Working From Home.”
If you want to learn more about keeping your business cyber safe, contact us at Real Innovation Group. We offer tailored cybersecurity solutions to businesses all across Australia. Contact us today!
Want to know how Instant Windscreens and Tinting saved 2,000 hours per month?

<img decoding="async" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1437" src="https://21452509.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/21452509/Imported_Blog_Media/RIGA-InstantWindscreens-CaseStudy-Graphic3-Mar-13-2025-05-58-07-8249-AM.png" alt="JourneyPRO Instant Windscreens Case Study" width="714" height="289" srcset="https://21452509.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/21452509/Imported_Blog_Media/RIGA-InstantWindscreens-CaseStudy-Graphic3-Mar-13-2025-05-58-07-8249-AM.png 714w, https://21452509.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/21452509/Imported_Blog_Media/RIGA-InstantWindscreens-CaseStudy-Graphic3-300x121-Mar-13-2025-05-58-26-4090-AM.png 300w" sizes="(max-width: 714px) 100vw, 714px">
Instant Windscreens and Tinting use JourneyPRO in their business today.
“JOURNEY is a ‘first-in-our-industry’ technology that improves our customer service offering, and claims back approximately 2,000 hours monthly in route scheduling for our branch management teams.”
Read more about how JourneyPRO has transformed Instant Windscreens’ business by downloading the case study here.
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