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With the new tax year upon us in Australia, it is important to recognise the significance that giving back in small ways has on your community and employees.
It is no secret that many Australians are struggling with the rising cost of living and inflation rates. Giving back in small ways is important now more than ever, as it will have a BIG impact.
In this blog post, we explore the significance of giving back and how it can make a positive impact in your community and in your business.
The Significance of Giving Back
Over the past few years, particularly after the pandemic and the rising cost of living, many have begun to examine and re-evaluate how they spend their time and money. Because of this, more and more consumers are looking to businesses to have some corporate social responsibility, aligning with companies that are dedicated to positively impacting their communities.
Just take a look at the rising popularity of Who Gives A Crap, who donate 50% of their profits to clean water efforts. And employees are taking notice, too, with many Australians wanting to work for human-centric companies that do good in their communities.
According to Forbes, “Corporate social responsibility has become a way for companies to stand out and show concern for matters other than boosted sales.”
Corporate social responsibility goes beyond just having a mission statement on your website saying what you will do to actively give back to your community and employees meaningfully. And with the current strain on individuals and families, giving back this tax year is even more crucial, as by extending a helping hand to those in need, we can alleviate the burden and create a sense of unity within our communities.
Ways to Give Back
You can give back in many meaningful ways this tax season, from donating to local charities, addressing pressing issues within your community to organising fundraising events for your business to raise funds for a specific cause you hold dear.
Suppose you are looking for a way to give back to your community and employees. In that case, our CONTRIBUTE package easily combines the two. CONTRIBUTE is designed to work seamlessly for your business by allowing employees to be rewarded with a gift that suits them AND gives back to the community through the social enterprise of your choice.
Making a Difference
Giving back to the community not only benefits those in need but also has a positive impact on your business and the community as a whole. You can inspire others and help the movement towards positive change by actively making a difference.
This new tax season, embrace the power of giving back and make a lasting impact on Australia.
Want to know how Instant Windscreens and Tinting saved 2,000 hours per month?

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Instant Windscreens and Tinting use JourneyPRO in their business today.
“JOURNEY is a ‘first-in-our-industry’ technology that improves our customer service offering, and claims back approximately 2,000 hours monthly in route scheduling for our branch management teams.”
Read more about how JourneyPRO has transformed Instant Windscreens’ business by downloading the case study here.
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