How Can Cyber Security Mitigate The Risk

March 14, 2025

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Technology is constantly changing. While most of this change is for the better, resulting in improved living standards for humans, it also comes with the negative aspect of advanced methods of cyberattack.

Usually, as technology gets more advanced, the abilities of malicious actors like hackers and spammers get more advanced, too.

So, how effective is cybersecurity at mitigating the risk of these advanced attacks by malicious actors which can result in enormous damage to your business or organisation?

In short, good quality cybersecurity is highly effective against attacks like these. But let’s delve into this a little deeper, as we consult the experts from Real Innovation Group on how cybersecurity can mitigate the risk of cyberattack.

What is cybersecurity risk mitigation?

Cybersecurity risk mitigation is a combination of several different processes and policies which reduce the risk of falling victim to cyberattack. Cybersecurity risk mitigation involves a range of techniques to bolster your IT system strength, but it can be broken down into three general elements: prevention, detection and remediation.

  • Prevention: doing everything that you can to get one step ahead of cybercriminals and prevent your systems from falling prey to a cyberattack. Prevention is better than the cure, which is why this is possibly the greatest part of cybersecurity.
  • Detection: monitoring your systems continually so that nothing unusual or strange goes unnoticed. Cybersecurity risk mitigation teams, like the professionals at Real Innovation Group, are constantly monitoring the status of your networks and devices.
  • Remediation: knowing what to do in the event of a cyberattack, and acting fast. Sadly, cyberattacks can be launched on even the most secure systems, so prevention and detection aren’t enough on their own.

How do cybersecurity experts mitigate the risk?

It’s all well and good to explain what cybersecurity risk mitigation does, but how does it work? Cybersecurity experts mitigate the risks of cyberattack in numerous ways:

  • Assessing the state of your current cybersecurity
    The first thing a cybersecurity expert will do is assess the current state of your systems and take a look at how cybersecure they are. A risk assessment looks into all of your business’s online assets and how protected they are from potential threats. Then, they’ll identify areas that can be improved and changes that need to be made in order to make your systems more secure.
  • Limit network access controls
    Limiting network access controls helps to mitigate the risk of cyberattack. Many organisations are adapting the model of ‘zero trust’ which provides user access privileges on an as-needed basis. This helps to minimise the risk of threats from within the organisation, as well as simple lack of awareness from employees.
  • Patch management
    Software providers release new patches all the time, which can be exploited by malicious actors to compromise your cybersecurity and gain access to your systems. For example, a malicious actor may pose as a software provider and release a ‘patch’ which actually contains a virus. Managing and testing patches before they’re implemented in your system is one way to mitigate a particularly vulnerable area of network security.
  • Monitoring network traffic
    Constantly monitoring your systems is one of the most important ways to mitigate the risk of cyberattack. Cybersecurity experts use tools that provide real-time threat detection, allowing you to gain a comprehensive view of all areas of your IT system at the same time, rather than manually checking each area. This helps identify threats around the clock, and to be notified when something suspicious occurs.
  • Keeping employees informed
    Training your employees to identify false and potentially harmful materials is key to mitigating the risk of cyberattack. The more employees you have, the more likely it is for bad actors to try to compromise your system through your employees. Cybersecurity is also about teaching your employees about the risk of cybercrime, and instructing them not to release sensitive information and data to anyone without the right credentials.

Real Innovation Group are your first choice for cybersecurity in Australia

If you’re looking to beef up your business’s cybersecurity, contact the professionals at Real Innovation Group. Our managed IT services are used by organisations right across Australia and are known for being reputable, diligent and cost-effective, too.

Real Innovation Group are excited to offer you a flexible and scalable solution to cybersecurity risk mitigation; our managed IT services mean that you get the help you need, whenever you want it, rather than going through the hassle of employing additional staff. Bolster your network security and save money at the same time when you choose Real Innovation Group for high quality cybersecurity.

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Frequently Asked

Do you complete Security Audits?

YES - we can complete one-off audits to give you a second opinion on your environment. However, this is what we refer to as IT Cowboys, and we would prefer to build an ongoing relationship with you. That’s why, when you commit to one of our packages, we complete an onboarding audit, which includes a security audit, a gap analysis against our Tactical 12 fortress, along with internal and external penetration tests. We then put together a plan for remediation as quickly as possible to ensure your compliance and get your insurance sorted ASAP so you’re covered.

Do you come to site?

In the initial onboarding process, we attend your site to document and understand how you operate, completing a checklist, inspecting infrastructure suitability, meeting key stakeholders, and performing general IT housekeeping. Once the onboarding process is complete, your environment should be rock solid, and the need to attend the site moving forward should be very minimal, if at all.

Will my existing computers be supported?

YES - Providing they are a currently supported operating system by the vendor and under warranty by the manufacturer.

Do you support Apple Mac and can they be compliant?

YES - we worked hard to ensure that Apple products can be supported and secured under all our product offerings.

What happens if an issue arises outside my support contract?

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