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This month, for our “Meet the RIGA”, we are introducing the wonderful Nina Kostadinova or Nins as we know her, the friendly face behind our help desk!
She is the puzzle solver who turns intricate challenges into seamless solutions for our clients!
Before working at Real Innovation Group, Nina has had some exciting jobs such as modelling, makeup, special effects and working at the Oscars. One of the most recent interesting jobs was for a bungee jumping company, despite being scared of heights.
Nina has been working at RIGA for a year and a half, helping in our customer support/ helpdesk team. Nina loves the challenge of working in customer service and likes that every day is different. You never know what will happen- sometimes she helps with quick-fix issues, but sometimes she encounters challenging situations. She loves that she can learn something every day.
Her hobbies include biking, going on walking trails and reading. She has been especially enjoying doing the walking trails recently, as she can take her two-year-old with her in the buggy. Her perfect day would be reading a good book outside in peace.
As someone who loves learning, she has learnt a lot over the past month, but one thing that has stuck out to her is that every challenge we are going through is happening, so it can teach us something. And one of her favourite quotes is from Einstein, “Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts.”
Nina travels a lot, but her dream destinations are Fiji, Melbourne or to travel and visit her coworkers in Malaysia and the Philippines.
Want to know how Instant Windscreens and Tinting saved 2,000 hours per month?

<img decoding="async" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1437" src="https://21452509.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/21452509/Imported_Blog_Media/RIGA-InstantWindscreens-CaseStudy-Graphic3-Mar-13-2025-05-58-07-8249-AM.png" alt="JourneyPRO Instant Windscreens Case Study" width="714" height="289" srcset="https://21452509.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/21452509/Imported_Blog_Media/RIGA-InstantWindscreens-CaseStudy-Graphic3-Mar-13-2025-05-58-07-8249-AM.png 714w, https://21452509.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/21452509/Imported_Blog_Media/RIGA-InstantWindscreens-CaseStudy-Graphic3-300x121-Mar-13-2025-05-58-26-4090-AM.png 300w" sizes="(max-width: 714px) 100vw, 714px">
Instant Windscreens and Tinting use JourneyPRO in their business today.
“JOURNEY is a ‘first-in-our-industry’ technology that improves our customer service offering, and claims back approximately 2,000 hours monthly in route scheduling for our branch management teams.”
Read more about how JourneyPRO has transformed Instant Windscreens’ business by downloading the case study here.
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